One of the hardest things that you can learn to do in today’s modern and fast-paced society is to learn how to channel your positive thoughts towards your own self-love. Due to the rise of social media, we are now being fed a diet of negative, body shaming comments which can make you feel incredibly down, depressed and low about yourself if you are not a size the media lauds or do not look like popular models. Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn how to love yourself, and make the best of your own wonderful body? It is time to break against society and define your own normal. After all, your mental health and well-being will thank you for it!

If you find yourself wasting hours every day looking at celebrities on your personal Instagram account or are a self-confessed slave to social media, then it is time for a change. If you want to learn how to love yourself and beat the blues, then start with a digital detox and switch off your phone. You could begin by trying to digitally detox for a few hours, then work up to a day or even a week. Write down which parts of your body and your personality that you love and like about yourself, and see if this list grows over time. Try engaging in other activities, such as enjoying a walk in nature or reading a book, even spending time with friends or cooking dinner are all great ways to unwind and focus on you and healing your body and mind. Once you have completed your digital detox and begun to start focusing your time and energy on positive thoughts and mindset, then you can begin to work towards loving yourself.

Learn To Love Yourself

Sadly, there is no easy way to learn how to love yourself, as you will need to work through some difficult emotions to better understand which aspects of your thought process and personality are holding you back and cramping your mood. Start by engaging with your feelings and start to try to pinpoint exact points in your life, which have seen you, experience a shift in positivity. Although this is a difficult step to take, it is necessary to learn to let go of any adverse emotions and fears, so do not be afraid to scream, cry and do what it takes to release your demons.

Put Yourself First

It might sound corny, but if you want to learn how to love yourself and care for your own body and emotions, then you need to learn just how to put yourself first. Even if you are naturally a generous and caring person, sometimes it is okay to say no and be selfish, as hard as you might find it to take this step initially. When you are putting yourself first, it is the perfect opportunity to spoil yourself and indulge in your favorite pastimes, food and even hobbies that you enjoy and make you feel better about yourself. From playing a musical instrument to getting active and enjoying a run in the park, or even painting and drawing, make the most of your talents and try to explore different creative outlets to help you unwind and feel more positive. You will not see the world through rose-tinted glasses instantly; however, doing more of what you love will change your perception of the world and help you feel better prepared to face the day, and any people or issues that are currently getting you down.

Bygones Be Bye-Gones

If you are trying to make a change in your overall mood and well-being, then it could be time to learn how to let go and forgive yourself. Remember that we are all human, and sometimes it is ok to commit mistakes and mess up once in a while. If you hold onto feelings of upset and guilt or naturally find it easy to hold a grudge, then it is time to let bygones be bygones and let those irrational thoughts fall by the wayside. Once you have learned how to forgive and forget you are bound to feel like a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders, and you may even have a lot more spare energy too. Try not to fall back into your usual negative thought patterns, remember why you are making a change and try to stick to it.

Ask For Help

If you have tried eating a more nutritious diet, learning to relax and unwind, and even trying to rewire your usual negative thought patterns without feeling any better, then it could be time to start seeking professional help and get expert support for your depression. There is no harm in asking for help if you need it, in fact, acknowledging that you struggling and are upset is the first step in working towards a happier and healthier new you. Take your time to find the best treatment for depression for you. Remember that no one can tell you just how long it will take for you to heal and feel like your usual self again either, so do not set yourself a time limit. Instead, try to look after yourself and be kind. Take as long as you need.

Social media and the pressures of modern day society have meant that more and more people are suffering from depression and other mental health issues. Therefore, if you want to learn to love yourself and beat the blues, consider having a digital detox and turn off your smartphone. Stop comparing yourself to others on social media and work through any negative feelings that are bringing you down and holding you back. Be kind to yourself and take part in hobbies or activities that make you feel good about yourself. Learn to let go of the past and try to break your usual negative thoughts or grudges. Finally, if you feel that you cannot help yourself, then ask for help. Take your time, and make sure that you are kind to yourself.