You would think you know when your job is ruining your life, but when you fit in a job for a certain length of time, it’s very easy to overlook the toxicity that you are living within. Who wants to work in a workplace that makes them feel low? The truth is, we all do it. We all pull ourselves to work every day because of the cost of living and the fact that we have bills to pay and homes to run.

Whether your office doesn’t have any of the luxuries that you like, or whether you are trying to get through being micromanaged by your boss, you might find that changing your career is your best Net step. Using tools such as the Myers Briggs Strong Interest Inventory can help you set a time and what the next step could be. The first thing you should do though, is figure out whether the office you are working in is toxic or not. After all, if your job is really stealing your joy, you need to know before you make your move. Let’s take a look at some of the signs that tell you that yes, your job is the wrong one for you.