Anxiety is a part and parcel of human existence. In fact these feelings of anxiety, panic and fear is what makes us a normal person. It is the body’s automatic fight or flight response that is triggered when you are faced with a challenging or threatening situation or even when you are under pressure. Anxiety keeps you alert and focused to spur you into action to combat the problems posed.
Therefore, Anxiety is not necessarily a bad thing. But if it is constant and overwhelmingly excessive, by disrupting and demanding one’s daily life, it could possibly be because you have crossed the level of normal anxiety into the territory of Anxiety Disorder.
What is an Anxiety Disorder?
Anxiety disorder differs from normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness and involves excessive fear or anxiety. It is one of the most common mental disorders and affects nearly 30% of the adults in come point in their lives. These feelings of anxiety or panic are out of control, out of proportions of the actual danger and also lasts long.
Such persistent fears intrude upon a person’s life consuming their time and energy. In order to maintain a balance between anxiety attacks and daily chores, people with anxiety disorder avoid places or situations to prevent these feelings.
Since anxiety disorder is a series of related disorders, different people experience it in different ways. For some, anxiety may arise because of the thought of dubiousness of life or concerns related to the future, while for others their fear might be associated to a particular object or situation. Yet another will live in constant fear of anything and everything.
But whatever forms it might assume, the root cause of all anxiety disorders is fear or panic out of proportion for a given situation at hand.
How do I know if I have anxiety issues?
If you identify with any of these 7 primary symptoms, then you might as well be suffering from anxiety disorder.
- Constantly tensed, worried and on edge
- Anxiety interfering with work, school and other responsibilities
- Plagued by fears that you know are irrational
- Cannot shake off the feeling that something bad will happen if certain things are not done in a specific way
- Avoiding everyday situations because they cause you anxiety
- Experiencing sudden or unexpected attacks of heart pounding
- Feelings of being in danger and catastrophe around every corner
In addition to these primary symptoms, some of the emotional symptoms include:
- Trouble concentrating
- Anticipating for the worst
- Irritability
- Tense and jumpy
- Watching for signs of danger
As a consequence of these emotional feelings, anxiety also involves a wide range of physical symptoms.
- Chest pain
- Sweating
- Upset stomach
- Palpitations
- Insomnia
- Dizziness
Natural Remedies
When you notice any of the above mentioned symptoms, the first thing to do is to consult a doctor and make sure any of the physical problems are not causing it. If it is diagnosed as an Anxiety Disorder, a mental health professional can help you get the best treatment. But unfortunately, most of the times people do not seek help for problems related to anxiety. They misinterpret that anxiety disorder has no treatments.
Doctors can also help to suggest many self-help, coping and managing methods as an effective treatment for this disorder. Natural remedies are generally safe to use alongside conventional medical therapies like psychotherapy, CBT or talk therapy.
Exercises can help to burn off anxious energy to a great extent. You can get a treadmill if you want to run at home.
A number of people resort to meditation to quell their racing thoughts and to calm unrestful mind. A wide range of meditation styles like mindfulness and yoga can be practised to emancipate unnecessary stress and anxiety
One of the reasons why anxiety hike its level is because of not being able to express it out. Finding a way to convey your anxiety can help you cope up with the situation. Creative writing or other forms of writing can make things much more manageable for children, teens and adults alike.
Time management strategies
Some people are constantly anxious because of too many commitments at once. Having a proper plan to handle one at a time can help reduce anxiety.Effective time management strategies will be helpful to guide you according to what requires more focus at a given time.
Smelling soothing plants and oils can ease stress and anxiety. Certain scents work better for some people than others, so experiment with various other options.
Cannabidiol oil
Cannabidiol oil is a derivative of the marijuana plant which does not contain the THC component that causes the ‘high’. It is readily available in most of the CBD Stores as it has the potential to cure many ailments including anxiety and stress.
Herbal supplements
Herbal teas and other herbal supplements like Valerian Root, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Lavender, Chamomile, etc claim to reduce anxiety.
Time with animals
The companionship, love and support offered by pets can alleviate anxiety attacks. Spending time with pets can be beneficial to reduce anxiety and stress associated with trauma.
Anxiety disorders are real and serious medical condition just as physical disorders namely diabetes or heart diseases. Therefore it must not be treated on lightly which will have far more dangerous repercussions.
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