Regularly reviewing your suppliers and freight company is an important part of ensuring you are getting the best possible service. But how often should you review them? And what should you look for when conducting a review? In this blog post, we will answer those questions and help you develop a plan for regularly assessing your suppliers and freight company.
Start with Regular Reviews
A good way to ensure you are regularly assessing your suppliers and freight company is to set a regular review schedule. How often these reviews should be conducted depends on the type of products you sell, how quickly those products change, and other factors. For example, if you have seasonal products that need frequent updates or changes in their production process, then more frequent supplier reviews may be necessary.
Look for Areas of Improvement
During your review process, it’s important to look for areas where improvements can be made. This could include things like pricing, turnaround times, customer service levels, product quality issues, and overall satisfaction with the supplier or freight company. If any issues arise during the review process, it’s important to address them promptly in order to maintain a good working relationship with your supplier. For example, if you find that their customer service is lacking, then it might be time to switch to a new supplier.
Compare Suppliers and Freight Companies
When conducting reviews, it’s also wise to compare your current suppliers and freight companies against each other to determine which one is offering the best deal for you. Doing this will help you decide if any changes need to be made in order to ensure you are getting the best possible service. For example, how easy is it to get cheap shipping freight rates or find the best prices for the products you need?
Assess Your Needs Periodically
In addition to regular reviews, it’s also important to assess your needs periodically throughout the year. This will help ensure that your suppliers and freight companies are meeting all of your changing requirements. If they’re not, then it’s time to start evaluating other options.
Ask for Feedback
Make sure that you’re not only assessing your suppliers and freight companies, but also asking them for feedback. Asking for their input will help you better understand the services they offer and any potential areas of improvement. Plus, it gives them an opportunity to voice any concerns they may have about working with your business.
Make Necessary Changes
Once you’ve reviewed your suppliers and freight companies, it’s time to make any necessary changes. This could include switching to a new supplier or freight company if they are offering better services or prices than your current one. Or, if you find that the services offered by your current supplier or freight company don’t meet your needs, then it might be time to look for alternatives.
The bottom line is that regularly assessing your suppliers and freight company is essential to keeping your business running smoothly. This process helps ensure that you’re getting the best possible service while also allowing you to make any necessary adjustments to keep up with changing market conditions. If you haven’t already established a regular review schedule, now is the time to do so! With a little bit of effort and planning, you can ensure that your suppliers and freight companies are providing top-notch services.