Happy Popcorn Day! It’s every year on January 19th, so I wanted to celebrate with you today!
Did you know that popcorn is super old? Cortes was chowing down with the Aztecs in the 1500’s, but we didn’t start microwaving it until the early 80’s. Today we’re just celebrating popcorn as a whole, though. But not caramel popcorn! We celebrate that on April 7th! (I don’t make the rules.)
So in preparation of this extremely important occasion, I went to a grocery store and turned one of their trash cans into a giant popcorn bag.
I also crossed off one of my goals by making a popcorn garland! I strung it in a tree. I had no idea it would be so difficult to make, but popcorn is super brittle and I stabbed my fingers a ton!
And I made a few treat bags for strangers, which I’m leaving around town today. On the outside of the bag is a list of movie suggestions, and on the inside is a bag of microwaved popcorn.
So how can you celebrate Popcorn Day?
Make a popcorn garland
Go to the movies or watch them from the comfort of your own couch, accompanied by some buttery goodness
Splurge on some gourmet popcorn (If you’re in the DC area you can go to Stella’s food truck for some deliciousness) or you can make it yourself (you can choose from 13 best popcorn recipes at Veggie Secret)
Color in this page and send me a photo on Facebook
Write a popcorn-themed song or poem
Make a wreath out of popcorn
Play Tic-Tac-Toe or Bingo with the kernels
Design your own popcorn bag
See how far you can throw a piece
Play guess how many kernels are in the jar
Try to make as many words as you can out of the letters “popcorn”
Utilize one of these fancy popcorn recipes
Watch this video:
I hope, whatever you do today, you have a fun time!
Popcorn is my absolute favorite snack. Nothing beats it – especially the one from Kernels!