Just last month I was celebrating 222 “likes” on Facebook with a giveaway. And now, I’m celebrating 333 “likes”! Do you want to win?
I will select a winner on Thursday, October 17th at 6pm EST. The winner will receive a surprise package from me!
To enter:
– comment below with something that you did as a child (and still love to do)
– make sure your e-mail address is accessible within the comment/form so I can contact you
– be a follower of Uncustomary Art on Facebook and/or Bloglovin‘
(If you win, I will e-mail you to ask for your snail mail address so I can send you the package.)
Thank you to everyone who makes these giveaways in honor of growth possible!
edit: Erin won!
I like to mix chocolate syrup, sugar, and peanut butter. I’ve done it since I was around 8 because my cousin showed me. Haha. The only thing I do now with the concoction is try to use it as a topping for toast, that way at least it’s sort of healthy????
As a kid I loved to crochet and I still do! And I probably will until I am a grandmother. ^_^
When I was little I used to finger knit! It’s just a really easy knitting technique that only requires your hands. I used to just sit and finger knit wherever I would go. I once made one so long it went to the ceiling, and all the way back to the floor!
I used to play tag with my schoolmates and we had so much fun!
I always tried to eat bee wax candles because the smelled so good *haha*
As a kiddo, I loved to color. Oddly, I still do love it! I usually donate the pictures I color to a charity called “Color a Smile”.
I used to be scared of big cranes. Now I’m almost sure they aren’t big monsters. But anyway… I still take a detour when I see a crane in the street!
I loved Halloween as a kid! And I still do! One year my bff and I wanted to be bats, but my mom thought black would be too dangerous so she made them white. Our masks were pillow cases with the corners tied to make ears. We were 8. It was probably the first time I went without parental supervision. Guess what folks thought our costumes were?
Yay I can enter wihtout a FB account! :p I’m following you on Blog Lovin’. I’m evaluating opening a new FB account connected to my blog so I don’t have to deal with people I don’t really care much about. If I do, I’ll obviously like your page.
Something I did as a kid? Cry. A lot. Ha! Even when I saw a doll that had sad eyes, I immediately got teary-eyed; I don’t know why I’ve always been so sensitive. Oh, wait! I got something better for ya! Every time I threw a tantrum and cried, I went to the restroom to look at myself in the mirror and finally started laughing at myself because I looked horrendous/funny with puffy eyes, hahaha!
Yep. I’m crazy.
I started writing letters as a child and that has stuck with me!
The first thing that came to my mind was a simple thing: drawing. I still like to draw little characters and animals but I’m too reluctant to share them with anyone else.
Hello! I wanna join this awesome giveaway. I collect used stamps from all around the world since I was 4, and my collection expanded after I inherited my grandad’s collections! It’s still something which I love to do. And one more, I love love sports! Especially swimming and cycling, my childhood hobbies which remained stuck with me! Hope that you’re well..
Read. Read read read read. My mom used to leave us in the car while she shopped, because we’d far rather read than check out the store. I had been wondering why I’ve been so unproductive lately, but then I realized I’ve been reading about 3 books a weekend. Oops…
I was always considered a “unique” kid with an imagination to match. When I was little (Kindie, 1st grade) I would dress up in one of my moms white slips with spaghetti straps, put a feather duster down the front and put on long white socks on my arms for formal gloves while wearing my moms high heels and pretend I was a princess. I would stand in our front yard and greet people as they walked by. I have a few memories of this and I still love to dress up and have never given up on becoming a princess. The glittery fantasy part of that time had never left me, thank goodness!
I like ice creams!!
I liked to swish Jell-O between my teeth. Still do, but I try not to show off my skills in fancy restaurants, now.
Also, blowing bubbles. They’re magic. And they come in so many scents now! My favorite was the catnip-flavored ones, because that started my favorite habit of blowing bubbles indoors. Sadly, the cat from my childhood did not share my love of bubbles. She may have been terrified of them.