I had the pleasure of doing a an Instagram Live with Aurora Lady, who I met in LA at Vortex Fest. I love her spunk, creativity, and punk vibes. We decided to talk about what it means to get out of your way, especially during these times of a pandemic and how that can actually lead to making your creative dreams a reality.
In this training, we talk about:
- What it means to “get in your own way” and how that might be happening for you during this pandemic
- How we can reconnect to our purpose and “why”
- How to use art as creative expression to connect us to our purpose
- Tangible tips on getting out of your own way and making your dreams a reality
There is also:
- A live EFT/Tapping on making our dreams a reality and getting out of our own way
- A free PDF download of affirmations on creative dreams, purpose, and more
- A huge discount on the Uncustomary Babes Membership Group
- Access to inexpensive tiers for Aurora’s Creative Membership Group
- A free Creative Stimulation from Aurora
You can get all the extra goodies by pressing on the button below: