Feeling Blue? Here's What You Need to Do | Uncustomary

As humans we have the ability to experience a wide spectrum of emotions, all of which are totally normal. However, if you find that you’re constantly feeling sad and negative emotions and these overshadow everything else then it’s a clue that you need to seek help. Here are some tips that might help. 

Don’t isolate yourself

When you’re feeling low, it’s tempting to want to go into hibernation mode. Many of us deal with things by shutting out the world, getting under the covers and consoling ourselves with Netflix and ice cream. There’s definitely a place for this kind of behaviour, sometimes you really do need to just spend some time alone to get your head straight. But avoiding social interaction for days or weeks on end isn’t healthy, and can cause you to spiral further. 

Practice mindful thinking

Mindful thinking is the act of paying attention to the present moment, this forces you to put aside stress from the past or the future which is why most of us end up anxious or depressed. It’s so easy to become blind to the world around us, especially in the case of stress where you end up living inside your own head. You can end up spending more time worrying about things instead of paying attention to what’s right in front of you. When you are paying attention to the present moment, you’re not stressing about the past or feeling anxious about the future. You can simply appreciate where you are right now, and know that you’re ok. It’s a good way to bring things back in check when stress starts to spiral out of control.


Exercise is hard work. Admittedly, it can be hard enough finding the motivation to get active even when you’re in a good mood, so when you’re low it’s probably the last thing on your mind. However, if you can force yourself to do some kind of activity, even if it’s just a short walk with your dog then it will certainly make you feel better. If getting up and out of the house feels like too much, follow a yoga or other kind of workout video on Youtube. It’s a powerful way to send positive messages to the brain and genuinely can help you to feel better.

Get professional help

If your stress has become too much to cope with on your own, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Your first port of call will often be your GP who can then go on to refer you to other services such as a mental health treatment center or prescribe medication depending on your preferences and the way that you’re feeling.  You may have been stressed for so long that you don’t even notice it much anymore, and instead just have a constant feeling of dread or unease. This is very damaging to your body, so speak to a professional you can guide you to the help you need.