Today is a special day, because it’s my first link-up! I contacted my friends to see if anyone was interested in joining me on the topic of celebrating, so you guys can get as much perspective on this topic as possible. If you made an applicable post, feel free to join in! Be sure to click through and see what these wonderful humans have shared!
So what did I do? I bought two big bags of balloons and an air pump and got to work on my bedroom floor. I used the pump so much that I actually broke it, and once my dad saw how many more balloons I planned on blowing up (about eighty), he called the pump breaking “an act of god”. It was really wonderful to slowly watch my room get more full of balloons, color, and happiness.
Eventually, I got to playing. I got my lollipop wand, sequined tunic, and rolled around in the colorful chaos.
Obviously, Bug wasn’t going to sit out on the action. He likes Mylar balloons a lot, but is really confused by latex.
The tie dye balloons look really pretty, even when they’re not inflated.
So much fun!
Ten of you should also have envelopes in your mailboxes with a tie dye balloon inside! I thought I would spread the celebration to my friends, even if they aren’t in the link-up!
What are you celebrating today??
1. Miki 2. Mim 3. Michelle 4. Caylee 5. Candace 6. Kimberly 7. Post Muse 8. Geraldine 9. Cara 10. Marielle
Awe, I love the idea! Wow! 80 balloons!? :O Did your neighbors complain when you popped them? Hahaha! I love the tie dye balloons, they’re so pretty ;).
And thanks for having made me a part of your link up!
Fun so fun! Nothing like balloons to help with celebrations! Terrific idea to include others and thanks for thinking if me. Also, for adding my link. I didn’t think I’d have time to do it.
Oh my lanta! Is that tunic really completely covered in sequins? Where on earth did you find such a fun piece of clothing (sized for people who’ve passed puberty)?
those balloons look like jawbreakers
Thank you for being awesome, Mary!
Hee hee those photos are great! Love the ones with you and Bug getting kinky! LOVE IT!!!! And the sequin dress is amaaaaazing!!!
Thanks for hosting, Mary! Sorry I’m “fashionably late” 😉
P.S. I LOVE that dress–you should wear it always and I love when Bug makes blog appearances. He’s the cutest!
My blog is celebrating learning stuff from the backs of postcards 🙂 I’m going back to add a link to this post now.
There’s nothing I love more than confusing and intriguing a cat at the same time. Blowing bubbles has a similar effect on Taco as the latex balloons have on Bug. 🙂
Tie-dye balloons?! Where can I find those?? Thanks for inviting me to celebrate with you and Bug. This was a fantastic idea.
That dress is so pretty. I wants one.
What a fantastic tunic!!