Hello hello! I am excited to say that my June Agenda is officially complete. I went on vacation, I had my birthday, and I put on the Talent Show. I feel good about all of these events and now it’s onto the next thing, which will be street art. More on that later.
Right now, I want to get excited about today. Today is a Thursday. It’s almost the weekend, sure. But it’s also today. What are you doing today? Is it awesome? Can you make it awesome? I’m going to be at work for eight and a half hours but then I’m going to go check my PO Box for mail love, then I’m going to hang up some, and then possibly have a drink with a coworker.
I’ve referenced the Awe-Manac before, by Jill Badonsky. It’s got a page of inspiration for every day of the year. And it’s really awesome. She incorporates unusual holidays, which I love, but she also does journal prompts, quotes, little activities, reminders, etc. One of the coolest things that she does is Name Today. It’s where you give today a title, something similar to an unusual holiday perhaps? For example, today is National Handshake Day. It’s so easy to celebrate.. just shake everyone’s hand. And if you don’t want to do that, you could make up a handshake with a willing partner. It’s silly, but isn’t silly good? Silly makes me laugh and it’s such a broad term. A few months ago I asked my Life Appreciation class what the silliest thing they did in the past week and one person said “last week I almost accidentally put the wrong cap on the wrong water bottle” and I thought that his response was the silliest I’d heard that day. But you know what? I remember that. I don’t remember whatever boring responsibilities I had that day.
So, celebrate every day.. but let’s start with today. Here’s a quote that’s from today’s page in the Awe-Manac that I think is appropriate for this topic.
Because we can be loud and bright and full of everything, so go ahead.
Also, there are now three days left of June, counting today. Come Saturday I’m going to ask what your top ten favorite things about June were. Can you easily name ten right now? If not, do something wonderful today.
PS – If you want to keep track of all silly holidays that you can celebrate, go here.
What are you celebrating today??