Healthy Ways To Give Yourself A Treat

Healthy Ways To Give Yourself A Treat

If you have ever seen someone return from a long run or an exercise session at the gym and immediately down a chocolate muffin on the basis that they have “earned” the treat, you’ll know just how destructive such behavior can be. However, although it is a terrible...
Easy Ways To Personalize Your Style

Easy Ways To Personalize Your Style

With the choice in latest trends and new clothing offering inspiration at every turn, it’s hard not to fall into the trap of buying into a style that could be a passing fad. The beauty of exploring your personality and discovering your own style is that you can use...
The Self-Esteem Boosting Power Of Music

The Self-Esteem Boosting Power Of Music

The consumption of music has increased from 26.6 hours a week in 2016 to over 32 hours in 2017, making the hobby more popular than ever. This may be connected to a growth in self-love as a priority for people who are looking to lower stress and find fulfillment...