Help: My Life Is Boring!

Help: My Life Is Boring!

At this point in my business, it’s become easier to come up with blog posts and classes because the whole point is that you’re trying to solve a problem someone out there might have. As I grow, people send me e-mails and DM’s all the time asking for...
Tips For Making A Trip To The Mountains Memorable

Tips For Making A Trip To The Mountains Memorable

A road trip is a great way to spend your vacation. It provides an excellent getaway from the boring routine of life. In addition to this, road trips also provide a good time for the recollection of thoughts. In summer, there is no better destination for a road trip...
Starting A Business: How Do You Actually Start?

Starting A Business: How Do You Actually Start?

Starting your own business can seem like a group trend. For those that have never even considered starting their own business before, it can definitely seem that way. It feels like there are secrets that you must first know, acquire knowledge from a wise old man and...
Faerie Gardening 101

Faerie Gardening 101

Faerie Gardening 101 This year, I’ve been noticing faeries popping up in my life over and over again, especially when I’m not looking for them or paying attention. So I took that as a sign. I decided I was going to make a faerie garden and welcome them...
Common Relationship Problems Couples Often Face

Common Relationship Problems Couples Often Face

There is no such thing as the perfect couple. Although some relationships do appear to be problem-free from the outside, you can guarantee that, when the couple returns home, they will find some reason to argue. Your relationship is no different. It doesn’t matter how...
How To Enjoy A Wonderful Pride Month

How To Enjoy A Wonderful Pride Month

It is now June, and that means the start of Pride month! This is a wonderful celebration celebrating the diversity of romance and the ability to love whomever you would like to. On top of that, it can be a great place to honor and remind ourselves of the trailblazers...