5 Ways To Decrease Your Anxiety

5 Ways To Decrease Your Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect over three million Americans every year, and that’s not including those who go undiagnosed and untreated. That’s a pretty big number, especially considering how little it’s understood. Anxiety and depression are the more common types of mental...
You’re Still Young

You’re Still Young

I’ve always loved the black and white image of the old lady on a ladder, painting graffiti. People often send me the link to articles about the lady who’s over 100 and is “still” yarnbombing. It’s great, I love those stories. I hope to be...
Honk If You Love Sunshine

Honk If You Love Sunshine

Continuing on with the Honk If You… series, I’ve got a “Honk If You Love Sunshine” sign to share with you! For this installment of the series, I went to the hipster-y Hampden neighborhood. Lots of people honked, but not as many as I would have...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

So first up, it’s that time of year: I’m heading to Playa Del Fuego from Thursday to Sunday. I have no cell reception and will be unreachable in pretty much every sense of the word. Thanks for being patient with waiting for responses, etc. till I return....