My 365 Days Of Guerrilla Art project is going well! I’m almost two weeks in, with a giant to do list of ideas, and I’m really glad I decided to commit to this. The doing-multiple-installs-a-day thing is going great, too. It’s a lot easier (and more fun!) to do things in clumps. Anyway…

Dance Parties Only: 365 Days Of Guerrilla Art | Uncustomary Art

I wish I saw more people dancing outside on a regular basis. So the other day, I used miniature cones and caution tape to create an enclosed space that I determined was for “dance parties only“.

I’m not saying this is the only place you can dance. I’m saying that if you’re in this space, you have to be dancing.
I sure hope people took the opportunity to do a little dancing as they passed through!

There are a lot of vacant spaces in Baltimore. I want to do my best to use this year to spread color, happiness, and fun to those duller areas of Charm City.

Dance Parties Only: 365 Days Of Guerrilla Art | Uncustomary Art

Where do you wish you saw more dancing?