To be happy, you do not require a holiday or a grandiose occasion like a wedding. Even the most mundane everyday life can be filled with joyous moments. Even the thesis writing, which is definitely a cup of tea for a specific few from! If it appears that there is darkness and boredom all around you, try to live your day following our plan. The world will be ablaze with new colors!

Begin the day on a positive note

Do not rush to your computer first thing in the morning. Mail, plans for the day, and other concerns will have to wait. First, smile at yourself in the mirror, then take a warm shower and relax with a cup of aromatic coffee. You can read a book, practice meditation, do exercises… get up a little earlier for this purpose.

Spend time with loved ones

To realize that your loved ones are nearby, to hear their voices, to share worries, to feel support, to laugh together at funny situations – this is necessary for life, happiness and health. 

Make a surprise for your family and plan a trip. Order a bouquet at the nearest flower shop or online flower delivery. Or choose Balloon bouquet delivery in Dubai to be creative.

Stay with your loved ones for at least an hour. But pay them maximum attention during this time! 

Take a walk

A leisurely walk, whether in the morning, at lunchtime, or after work, will help you keep fit and to recharge, and relax. It is best to choose locations where you can fully appreciate the beauty of nature: a nearby park, embankment, or forest are ideal.

 8 Moments Of Pleasure: How to Notice The Good Around You | Uncustomary

Find joy in work

It doesn’t matter if you are sitting at a computer or standing at a machine – before you get down to business, remind yourself why you love your job. There’s certainly something good about her, even if you’re not thrilled with some of the responsibilities!

Do you get satisfaction when you check the boxes in the plan? Or does communication with colleagues and clients bring you joy? Perhaps you enjoy the respect of your superiors and your professional status. Did you find the pros? Now it’s going to be much more fun! Repeat this exercise in the evening, noting all the positive aspects of the working day.

Recharge your batteries with the energy of kindness

It’s important to remember that everyone has tremendous potential for good. Consider it and take a fresh look at the world. Pay attention to other people’s generosity, compassion, and love. Remember other people’s good deeds.

You will feel better all day if you devote ten minutes to such reflections. This is one of the most certain ways to keep your mind and heart at ease.

Take pleasure in household tasks

Cleaning, cooking, and dishwashing or taking care of the houseplants can be boring and time-consuming activities, isn’t it? That is not the case! Even household chores can be enjoyable if you approach them with the right attitude.

Cooking, for instance, is a sensory experience for all of the senses. Pay attention to the smells, tastes, and tactile sensations. When decorating food, use your imagination and make it a piece of artwork.

Praise yourself

At the end of the day, remember to praise yourself for all of your accomplishments, big or small. Consider every small victory, every small step toward the goal. You already have something to be proud of if you have learned a few foreign words, taken care of your health a little, wiped the dust off the shelves, or made one important call.

Be grateful

Gratitude is one of the most joyful and positive emotions. It wouldn’t hurt for all of us to have more of it. There is an easy evening practice for this.

Close your eyes and try to recall the events of the day for which you are grateful. A genuine conversation with a friend, a filling lunch, the warmth of the sun, the splendor of the night sky – anything. If nothing comes to mind, consider the fact that you awoke today in a warm bed, took a shower, and dressed in clean clothes. You have a place to live. All of this is denied to many people.