Going to university is scary. It’s stressful. Being away from your normal routine and life, you can easily become homesick, withdrawn, anxious or suffer from low mood. However, time at university is an exciting period of your life, and it’s important to make the best of it – and always make sure that you care for yourself along the way.
Don’t neglect self-care when you’re starting your new study and career path at university. Here are 5 methods to make sure that you don’t.
1. Find a Relaxing Home Space
Where you choose to lay your head at night and where you spend your downtime should be a safe space which you feel comfortable in. If you don’t have this safe space to retreat to, it can severely impact your mood and comfort. If you’re going to university and moving away from home into new accommodation at the same time, then you need to be sure that your accommodation choice is right for you, and one that you’re comfortable with.
Be sure to look into quality accommodation options like the Oldway Centre which give you the space and facilities that you need to help you feel more at home – in your new home!
2. Don’t Work Too Hard
Of course, you’re going to university to study hard and achieve the qualification you want. Studying hard is always going to be a part of your experience, but that doesn’t mean you should overdo it. Take the time to plan out your schedule to make sure you always have down time and relaxation time, and that you aren’t studying 24/7.
3. Find the Right Balance for Your Social Levels
University is a great opportunity to make new friends and come out of your shell if you’re perhaps a shy person. However, at the same time it can be very overwhelming for those introverts who aren’t used to being around other people in a new environment. This can be very draining on your social meter, so be sure to understand your social levels and what you’re comfortable with. There’s nothing wrong with spending time alone and turning down social occasions or student parties if you’re simply not in the mood or don’t have the energy.
There’s nothing wrong with being introverted, even within a social place like university, and the chances are, you’re going to meet other introverted students just like you.
4. Don’t Overdo it Recreationally
There are going to be a lot of opportunities to party hard at university. Which is great if you love to party, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, you should pay attention to when you’re perhaps drinking and partying too much and your health, sleep patterns and study habits are suffering for it.
The better care you take of your health, the more chance you’ll have to enjoy the occasional treat of letting loose and indulging.
5. Stay Hydrated
All that studying, socializing and stressful transition period takes it’s toll! Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated and stay focused!