Normally there are three cases when you need a sleeper sofa at your place. Case number one, you are in a stage of life that lives in small apartments or dormitories. In another situation, you are a pleasingly outgoing person that often has a bunch of friends come to sleeper over at your house. Also, if minimalism and simplicity is your thing, a sleeper sofa is definitely the must-have furniture piece for your living space.
There are two types of sofa beds getting popular in the market, sleeper sofas and futon sofa beds. Both of them are practical and versatile. A sleeper sofa normally comes with a pull-out mattress to form a bigger sized bed with thick cushions, on the other hand, most of the futon sofa beds do not have arms, they can be easily folded and unfolded to make a bed.
If you would like to know which one is more suitable for your living space, please read the following paragraphs to have a clue. We will be discussing the advantages of sleeper sofas compared to futon sofa in detail. Also, we would recommend the right one for specific scenarios in your living space.
Ultra-thick cushions bring a better user experience
A sleeper sofa is way softer padded than a regular futon sofa bed. A sleeper sofa offers extra cushions to serve as a mattress, it has a sofa frame with upholsteries on it. For a futon sofa, the frame and the cushions are normally integrated, thus it will not be as soft as a sleeper sofa to lie on. If you would like a sofa bed for Friday night movies, a sleeper sofa can be your ideal choice since it is more comfortable as a bed.
More presentable appearance for living room
Compared to futon sofas, sleeper sofas look more classic and formal in terms of living room couch. Sleeper sofa beds normally have surrounded arms and backrests that are all soft padded, if we do not pull out the other segment of the bed, it appears formally in the living room to hold guests and have family gatherings.
However, most of the futon sofas have no arms and their designs are more suitable to be placed in bedrooms and basements. They look like ottomans with backrests and are built in a more casual style.
Various selections in terms of color and style
Sleeper sofa beds can be in lots of styles when we compare them with the futon sofas. They can be industrial, farmhouse, modern, vintage, Bohemian and so on. More complex designs can be adopted on sleeper sofas rather than futon sofas. The futon sofas will not have many options due to their simple framing and design, they are built to target the causal market for rooms with smaller space. In other words, sleeper sofas have greater compatibility with different decoration styles at your house.
Portable and convenient furniture piece
Sleeper sofas are easy to move and convenient to use as well. They are more lightweight than a real bed, they also have more functions than a bed. In this case, futon sofas will lead the game. Futon sofas are more lightweight and convenient than sleeper sofas.
The design without arms also makes it easier for tall people. Convenient design with powerful functions is the main reason why sleeper sofas and futons sofas can be best sellers.
Larger dimensions serve more space for guests
The dimension of sleeper sofas are normally larger than futon sofa beds and we all know the bigger the better. Whereas futon sofas do not have arms and this allow tall people to stretch their legs a little, but in general, the bearing capacity of futon sofas are smaller than sleeper sofas.
The design without arms also makes it easier for tall people. Convenient design with powerful functions is the main reason why sleeper sofas and futons sofas can be best sellers.
Larger dimensions serve more space for guests
The dimension of sleeper sofas are normally larger than futon sofa beds and we all know the bigger the better. Whereas futon sofas do not have arms and this allow tall people to stretch their legs a little, but in general, the bearing capacity of futon sofas are smaller than sleeper sofas.
To wrap up, both sleeper sofas and futon sofa beds are portable, lightweight versatile and functional. Sleeper sofas are more comfortable to use, more presentable for the living room, more compatible with different home decorations, have more designs to choose and are larger in space compared to the futon sofas. However, the futon sofas are more lightweight, easier to move and more convenient to store. Futons sofas are more recommended to be placed in the bedroom and basements.
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