There is a difference between toxic positivity and believing in the possibility of a positive outcome. Toxic positivity is when you slap gratitude or an affirmation on top of a fear without acknowledging the pain or hurt you’re actually feeling. You can be scared of what’s going on right now and talk about those things, journal about them, meditate on them, tap through them, and also use positivity to think of positive outcomes at the same time.
I have seen SO MANY people come to me and say they want the resources I’ve been providing on positivity, optimism, self-love, and personal development now, during a crisis. It’s the same energy as when someone dies we realize how precious life is. There’s nothing wrong with this, we’ve all done it including myself. The thing is, these tools are not band aids to slap on during a crisis, and they certainly aren’t meant to be taken off when the crisis is “over” whenever or whatever that looks like. Please remember that these tools were always available to you and will continue to be available to you whether you are sick, in a quarantine, or having a great day where you’re able to go wherever you want and see/touch whoever you want.
I’ve been making more resources for this time, but I already had so many tools to call on because they already existed. That said, I wanted to make a list of 30 positive affirmations for dealing with COVID-19. I wanted to focus on the fear, anxiety, and panic we’re feeling. I didn’t want to focus too much on physical health because we all have different levels of health and really saying things like, “My body is perfectly healthy” as a collective can be patronizing to someone with a chronic illness or weaker immune system (i.e. the reason we are operating as if we all have the virus so we don’t pass it even if we’re unaffected). If those types of affirmations help you, Google them or make up your own. But these are the ones I wanted to share with you.
Please remember that you can get access to 400+ positive affirmations (that come with images like the ones you see here), journaling prompts, EFT/tapping videos, meditations, and SO MUCH MORE in the Uncustomary Babes Membership Group. There’s no better time to join.
30 Positive Affirmations For COVID-19
1. I am safe, secure, and protected
2. I am radiating good health in my beautiful body
3. I release the fear, tension, and stress in my mind and body
4. I live as an example of the peace, kindness, and compassion I wish to see in the world
5. I choose peace over panic over and over again
6. The world is healing
7. I will not allow myself to disrupt my own peace
8. I can only control my own actions, attitude and perspective
9. I choose to stockpile compassion and kindness
10. When something breaks, I choose to turn the pieces into a beautiful mosaic
11. I am in this together with the rest of the world, we are one
12. By protecting myself I help to protect the world
13. The more I’m stressed the more self-care I choose to give myself
14. External chaos is an invitation to calm the chaos inside my mind and body
15. I choose to be calm in this moment and every moment I can be, but it’s okay if I feel anxiety
16. This too shall pass
17. Every opportunity is a chance for an awakening
18. Flowers grow back even after they’ve been trampled, and I know we can too
19. My fear may be irrational or rational, but I am allowed to feel my emotions
20. I let go of my need of the near and far future to be decided and certain
21. I choose to not judge others and send love and light to them instead
22. I feel compassion for myself, others, and the world
23. As I keep steadfast in my healthy routines, it becomes easier to do
24. Every deep breath brings in more peace and I can always come back to my breath
25. I am not required to be productive or give away my gifts to the world, especially for free
26. This feeling won’t be mine forever, I continue to grow and persevere
27. The world and I am more than a diagnosis
28. I can be anxious and still do great things
29. I do not need to make myself small just because I feel overwhelmed
30. There is so much about life that I am grateful for and love
Affirmations designed by: Joe Dissolvo