I’m definitely an advocate for only making new year’s goals/resolutions if you want to because you’re way more likely to follow through if you genuinely feel motivated rather than pressured. That said, my birthday is just about six months away from New Year’s, and this is a pretty great check in point for me, so I use this time to reassess my goals, redirect myself, and make new goals/drop off dead ones if need be.
Feel free to have a look at my list of goals for 2019! I’m feeling rather ambitious it seems…
Uncustomary 2019 Goals
+ Cross off 10 bucket list goals
+ Record 20 podcasts
+ Create 20 YouTube videos
+ Pay off all my credit card debt
+ Release a coloring book
+ Release an affirmation deck
+ Read 12 new books
+ Release 5 new paid e-courses
+ Release 3 free e-courses/opt-ins
+ Take a vacation (in a different state)
+ Do 12 street art projects
+ Do 5 performance art projects
+ Write a new book (even if it doesn’t get to the publishing phase)
+ Write and release a new e-book
+ Make my own roadside attraction
+ Totally revamp my Etsy store
+ Catch up on my snail mail (completely empty my mail bin)
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