Spreading happiness is amazing because it makes you and the recipient feel better simultaneously! To spread happiness is to spread kindness. By making even just one other person happy, we are able to create a ripple effect. Think about it, if you were working at a cash register and the customer you were helping was very mean and confrontational for no reason with you while they were being checked out, you’re much more likely to frown and be flustered when you help the customer after them. If a customer is funny and smiling while you check them out, you’re more likely to be nice to the next customer you help.
The act of happiness you spread might just last long enough to reach one other person, but that means it’s done its job. That person will spread that happiness to one more person and so on. Ripples outward and outwards, affecting more people than you ever intended. There are some acts you can do that can affect many more people at once and that will have even bigger ripple results!
The point is you want to be kind, happy, and positive to the people you interact with whether that’s in person, in groups, or online. Happiness and kindness breeds more happiness and kindness. It has to start somewhere, let it start with you.
Here are 50 ways you can spread happiness. If you have more ideas I want to hear them in the comments!
50 Ways To Spread Happiness
1. Wave and say hi to your neighbors
2. Dance in public
3. Bake something delicious as a gift
4. Comment on your friend’s blog or share their post with others
5. Leave a generous tip with a nice note
6. Donate what you can to a charity
7. Share inspirational quotes and photos of cute animals on social media
8. Give a homeless person some money and/or a meal
9. Pay for the person behind you in line (toll booth, drive-thru)
10. Visit an assisted living home to talk, do crafts, and engage
11. Send snail mail to a friend just to thank them for being awesome
12. Be nice and give genuine compliments to strangers
13. Make a gift instead of buying one
14. Share a list of things you’re thankful for
15. When you finish reading a book you know someone would enjoy, pass it along to them
16. Text nice thoughts, quotes, and pictures to your friend who’s having a bad day
17. Give someone an unusual compliment
18. Make a fun video and share it online
19. Listen to someone when they need to talk
20. Share your struggles in a real way that could potentially inspire someone else
21. Put your phone down in social situations, make eye contact, and laugh a lot
22. Help someone have a mental health day from work
23. Bring items you find to the lost and found, or take it a step further and try to find the owner yourself
24. Give high fives
25. Leave silly voicemails

26. Throw a surprise party for no reason
27. Start a community garden
28. Let go of grudges
29. Leave a review for a product your friend created
30. Help someone with a tech issue that is hard for them, but simple for you (setting up e-mail, a blog, social media account, etc.)
31. Offer to babysit, petsit, or housesit for free to alleviate stress and anxiety
32. Share really bad good puns with people in an unsolicited way
33. Dance in your car at red lights
34. Pick wildflowers for someone on the way to see them
35. Help someone carry something
36. Offer to go get the car and pick up the passengers when it’s raining
37. Learn your partner and friends’ love languages so you can show them you care in a way that translates easily to them
38. Point out fun shapes in the clouds
39. Make some public art for everyone to enjoy
40. Fill up the car you borrowed with gas and/or wash it
41. Offer to sit in the middle seat
42. Let people know when they’re about to do something they don’t have to (like pay for parking when it’s actually free)
43. Help someone find a job, write a resume/cover letter, and practice their interview skills
44. Do some performance art in public for people to enjoy
45. Bring in free treats for your coworkers at work
46. Put goodies in your coworkers’ mailboxes
47. Hire a clown or magician to wander the halls of your work
48. Share embarrassing/funny photos of you as a child
49. Bring balloons to people in the hospital
50. Carry ridiculous, large, and/or colorful things with you on the street to be a free spectacle
50 Ideas For Random Acts Of Kindness
PS – Did you know I made you a FREE e-course on gratitude?
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