August Awesome Package Subscribers

August Awesome Package Subscribers

Announcement! If you’re signed up for the Awesome Package for the month of August, you’ll be getting some serious bonuses! Check it out! You’ll get: OVER the $20 value you’re paying for A 50% off coupon to my Etsy shop A $20 off coupon to my...

Is Online Therapy Legit

Is Online Therapy Legit? So, we know you can get just about anything you want online now but some of it is not worth your time. Like those websites that say you can make a million dollars a week just by clicking on their page. Yeah, right. If that were true, we would...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

August has been kind of rough so far. My Bipolar is back (seems like that shit is definitely cyclical/seasonal– this time last year is when I had to originally start taking a mood stabilizer for the first time) and I stopped working at my side gig at the flower...