Happy Monday! I’ve got a guest poster for you today named Dana, and she’s here to talk about a very important topic: worrying. It’s something we all do, and something we’d all like to do less of! Take a few minutes to read her advice on how to worry less, then check out her blog. If you are interested in submitted a guest post to Uncustomary, please contact me.
If there’s one thing I know as well as my name is Dana Sibilsky, it’s that there is an art to everything you can think of. In short, if you can master a skill, a trait or a talent, there is an art in it. Math? It may not seem it. But there is an art in it where you won’t even need MathXL answers. Woodworking? There’s an art in it. Fly Tying? There’s an art in it. Strategy? There’s an art in it. Parenting? There is even an art in that. From my time going through school at the University of Michigan, to my time as a wife and parent to my three adorable children, I began learning the art of how to worry less from my husband. By the way, speaking of school, if you ever need to take more off your plate, try utilizing some custom essay service as, for example, this one – customessayorder.com. Like all art, not everyone will appreciate or even connect with the art of how to worry less.
My husband is, what is known in psychology, a Phlegmatic temperament. If you read a book called Personality Plus by Florence Littauer, you’ll learn that Phlegmatics are easy-going and laid back types of people who may come off as completely nonchalant and unexcited. You will hardly ever see a Phlegmatic personality in a rush and by because of this smooth, simple personality, it is their nature to rarely worry. You may know one of these types of people and if you are anything like me, you’ll sometimes find that their indifference may get under your skin as my husband did before I started to understand him.
The art of how to worry less was first introduced to me one day when I believed everything was going wrong. Around in 1998 when Hurricane Floyd swept through with enough rain to drown a fish, a lot of people lost their homes and their personal, cherished belongings due to what is known as “The Great Flood” during that time. One of the unfortunate souls to lose what they had was my husband and I. The home wasn’t destroyed, but insurance certainly wouldn’t cover all the damages, and our bills would go sky high. Devastated, I went to my husband for comfort and hopefully some advice. What he told me began to change my life. “There’s no need to worry about something you can’t do anything about.”
What my husband helped me understand is that there are some things out of our control that will work themselves out in time. All you can do is what you can control and if you do that, you should have no worries. His words helped guide me to more of a spiritual outlook on how life works. We do what we can control and the things that we can’t control, we leave in the hands of God and the universe. It’s seriously as simple as having faith that it is all taken care of. Read that again. It’s taken care of, not that it is going to be, but it already is.
One of my favorite ways to spend less time worrying is to spend more time in nature. Taking a camping trip is a great way to get outside, get some vitamin D from the sun, and breathe more fresh air. Whether you’ve got a truck to take you off-grid or just a tent in a backpack, worry less by spending more time in nature.
Another major thing what everyone keeps worrying about is money. Fortunately, nowadays there are tons of ways on how to earn money online and to improve your financial situation. Another common worry is love and relationships. There’s a lot to worry about, but here’s how to not worry when your man doesn’t text or call. A very wise millionaire once mentored me and would always say, “There is a seed of equal or greater benefit in every adversity,” which is comes from Napoleon Hill in one of my favorite books of all time, Think and Grow Rich. This saying has become my life motto the more I put my faith into it and practice looking on the bright side of all the mishaps and curve balls that life throws at my face. I just remember to say, “There is a seed.” Think about a seed for a moment. A seed is a tiny speck of matter that appears to be worthless, but inside that seed is something so magnificent. Plant it in the ground and give it time and hope. You know what happens next. Something so much bigger than that seed comes from that seed. That something, whether it is a tree or a sunflower, spouts and begins to develop over time until it is fully matured in all it’s beauty and glory. Over time, that tree begins to drop more seeds, even if it is cut down.
Life is no different. Let’s say you get fired from your job. Someone just cut down your tree and what you need to remember is that if you have eyes to see it, there is a seed that dropped. What you do next is what you can control by filling out applications or planting seeds. Give it time and some faith. Soon some of those seeds planted will grow into an interview or even three interviews. The roots of one tree may cut off the water supply of another and your interview will fail, but another must come from it and fully develop into a new career.
While I am thankful for my husband and my mentor for teaching me crucial life lessons, I still continue to master this art of how to worry less. I hope that I have taught you something useful and added some wisdom to your years. If you need help finding a mentor, check out BetterHelp to find a therapist near you. Professional help is there for a reason! Remember that everything always works out for your greater good no matter if you see it right now in the present or not. Always remember there is a seed.
Dana Sibilsky is a mother to three, art enthusiast, as well as a blogger. When she isn’t investing precious time into her family, she is writing on her blog and reflecting her wisdom through her artwork. You can visit her on her blog or LinkedIn account, and tell her Uncustomary sent you!