5 Ways To Not Drink The Kool-Aid

5 Ways To Not Drink The Kool-Aid

In honor of Kool-Aid Day, I thought I would share a silly photoshoot I did, that actually resulted in a helicopter hovering above me trying to figure out what the hell I was doing, while potentially offering some unsolicited advice, as is all advice on the internet....
Sometimes My Brain Hurts

Sometimes My Brain Hurts

Sometimes my mind hurts. I’ve done a lot of work around releasing labels as things to hide behind because I found they were things I was using to make excuses for why I wasn’t doing things for. I’m Bipolar, so… I’m a Gemini so… I’m an ENFP so… etc. Labels can be...
What Would My Highest Self Do?

What Would My Highest Self Do?

Have you been feeling low energy, unmotivated, uninspired, or like you’re slipping into behaviors that you know your future self is going to be like, “Damn, I wish I hadn’t done that”? You know what I mean. Self-sabotaging. Procrastinating....
You Don’t Have To Justify Your Life

You Don’t Have To Justify Your Life

You don’t have to justify your… Interests Decisions Relationships Body Food choices Exercise regime Sexuality Sexual activity Days off Diagnoses HARD STOP. Your entire life is yours to decide. People are always going to judge you, whether they’re strangers or...
15 Ways To Get Out Of A Bad Mood

15 Ways To Get Out Of A Bad Mood

One of the most common questions I get asked is how to get out of a bad mood. What is a bad mood anyway? We want to feel happy all the time, but that’s simply not realistic! Ideally we want to embrace and process all our emotions, but if you’re looking to...