Help: My Life Is Boring!

Help: My Life Is Boring!

At this point in my business, it’s become easier to come up with blog posts and classes because the whole point is that you’re trying to solve a problem someone out there might have. As I grow, people send me e-mails and DM’s all the time asking for...
15 Tips For Dealing With Cramps

15 Tips For Dealing With Cramps

It’s kind of crazy how my period cycles have become so much more regular and in sync with the moon ever since I started practicing moon gatherings. Lately, it’s been almost to the hour that I start bleeding as soon as the new moon becomes 100% full in our...
10 Tips To Have A Great Week

10 Tips To Have A Great Week

We all want to make the most out of our time here on earth, and we can think about that time in big chunks, but it really comes down to the smaller intervals. How are we spending each day? How are we setting ourselves up for success and taking steps to make ourselves...
What Are You Tolerating?

What Are You Tolerating?

It’s really important to make goals and go after our dreams. Sitting down to make a Bucket List and then actually crossing things off that list feels so good, but you know what else is just as important? Knowing what we don’t want! I actually have a Fucket List, AKA...