by Uncustomary | Jul 15, 2020 | Happiness
Since I last checked in, I turned 32, I adopted two kittens, and generally July has felt like an upswing in terms of my mood and inspiration to go after things. June wasn’t my favorite. It was the first year I spent my birthday alone in bed. I was just tired....
by Uncustomary | May 20, 2020 | Happiness
Hey! Time keeps flying. We’re already into Gemini Season, one of my favorites, and that means just a month till my birthday! I’m hosting an online new moon workshop on Saturday for just $5. Even if you aren’t into woo things, it’s a great way...
by Uncustomary | Apr 16, 2020 | Happiness
I don’t think I’ve ever had a gap in happiness posts like this in the history of my blog. Two months? That’s unprecedented. So are these times. I’m coming back to you, though, and I want to connect with what makes you happy and what makes you...
by Uncustomary | Feb 13, 2020 | Self-Love, Lists
It’s so important to take ourselves on solo dates! No matter if you’re single, in a relationship(s), recently broken up, or whatever — spending time alone in a purposeful way is extremely important. I always feel happy and rejuvenated after I...
by Uncustomary | Sep 19, 2019 | Happiness
We’re already more than halfway through September! I gotta tell ya! It’s not going how I planned! I didn’t expect my cat to die. I didn’t expect to tell the world with what I’ve been struggling with. I didn’t expect to be too sick...