Perspective: A Poem Of Self-Love

Perspective: A Poem Of Self-Love

I met my friend, Bonnie, through the art scene in Baltimore and she is an amazing, wonderful, joyful human being. I’m so happy to know her and every time I cross paths with her is a pure pleasure. She recently sent me an e-mail with a poem and the following...
Self-Care Changes With Age

Self-Care Changes With Age

The past few months, I’ve been making a lot of jokes (based in reality) of “I’m not doing that, I’m thirty!” and it’s actually been pretty reflective about what I’ve been saying yes to (for maybe too long) and what I’m...
Why Having A Positive Attitude Isn’t Bullshit

Why Having A Positive Attitude Isn’t Bullshit

Last week, an article called “‘Positive Attitude’ Bullshit: On The Dangers Of ‘Radical Self Love'” was published, and it really made me feel bad. It focuses on figures like Oprah Winfrey, and one of my personal heroes, Gala Darling, who...