Bug Missed You

Bug Missed You

I haven’t given you a post full of Bug, the Bugmeister, since August. I apologize. I can assure you, though, that he has been up to no good since then… but in the best way.He has been preparing for Halloween, by making sure spider rings for my coworkers...
Monthly Dose Of Bug

Monthly Dose Of Bug

Bug has recently taken a fancy to a glittery pink microphone (he’s writing an album), attempted to take a walk, found treasures among my trash, claimed my foot, and shared my love for tutus. I love that little guy.  
Monthly Dose Of Bug

Monthly Dose Of Bug

It’s been about a month, so here’s a Bug update. For more Bug Pix go here.123456781- big Bug eyes in the bathroom 2- owning his balloon 3- a good subject for my new mini Polaroid 4-  not giving up on the balloon love 5- profile 6- helping with the laundry...
Bug’s Birthday!

Bug’s Birthday!

Today Bug turns 2! He is a rude, sweet, lovely jerkface and I’m so glad that he’s in my life.To celebrate, here are some Bug pics. Don’t worry, we’re getting him a balloon because we discovered that he loves them after he annihilated my...
The United States Of Bug

The United States Of Bug

It’s inevitable that one day Bug is going to rule this country. I just wanted us to be prepared for the dictatorship that the US will become once this occurs. Considering a lot of my friends are interested in mail, I thought you might want to know what the new...