by Uncustomary | Jul 1, 2024 | Celebration, Lists
Yay! Summer is here! Summer isn’t my favorite season, even though my birthday is on the solstice, but I sure do love what it has to offer! The days are longer, outdoor activities are a dime a dozen, and people are in happier moods because of all that sunlight...
by Uncustomary | Aug 13, 2020 | Happiness
Hey there, babe. August is usually difficult time for me. I wrote a post about it that you can check out either on Instagram or Facebook. Basically, the more work I do with trauma therapy and thought work, the more there is to unpack and the more my emotions are easy...
by Uncustomary | Aug 1, 2020 | Magic
Lammas, or Lughnasad, is the Pagan Sabbat that is traditionally celebrated on August 1st or the eve of August. It is the official mark of being halfway between summer and autumn. We’re starting to see the nights get a little shorter in terms of daylight left,...
by Uncustomary | Jun 21, 2020 | Magic
Happy Litha! This is also known as Midsummer, and is traditionally celebrated on the Summer Solstice, usually on June 21st (AKA my birthday!). It is the longest day of the year, so we have the most sunlight that we will have all year, and from here on out, the days...
by Uncustomary | Aug 14, 2019 | Happiness
Hey! Last time I checked in, we had started the Birthday Shennanigans week for Joe with a visit to the Clark Elioak Farm/Enchanted Forest, where he got to hold a goat for the first time and we explore the Faerie Forest. After I pressed publish, I headed out to Flicks...