Happy New Year! 
So here are my resolutions for 2012:

+ lose 30 pounds

+ install five yarn bombing projects (and photograph them)1 2 3 4 5

visit Canada (or somewhere out of the country)

+ get swoopy bangs

+ move in with Matt

+ complete one art journal

+ do the Red Light therapy sessions at my gym

finally make the ‘standing on the world’ poster for work

put the talent show on DVD

+ continue sending (and receiving) awesome mail

+ blog once a week

+ complete Keri Smith’s “Finish This Book”

If any of the goals have a number in them insert “at least” before it. I’m not limiting myself to these amounts. Ideally, I’d like to go beyond! Usually I work my goals in 18 month increments but this time I’m doing the standard 12 month deal. Deadline = 12/31/2012.