Uncustomary Reading Challenge

Uncustomary Reading Challenge

Last weekend I went to go to the bathroom at a friend’s apartment and saw my book on his toilet. It was one of the most flattering moments of my life. I thought it was also hilarious, so I shared a picture of it online and an Uncustomary Babe suggested we start...
Leotard Giveaway + Challenge

Leotard Giveaway + Challenge

Recently, I started working with my favorite tights brand, We Love Colors. You may have seen the first giveaway I did with them, for the imperfect tights! They’ve all been sent out, and I can’t wait to start seeing the photos pop up on Instagram of them on...
Instagram Photo Scavenger Hunt

Instagram Photo Scavenger Hunt

I originally wanted to do a real life scavenger hunt in Baltimore where we’d meet up, talk about Instagram, network, and go on a photo scavenger hunt. Unfortunately, not enough people were available to make it in person, so I want to alter and expand the...
We Love Colors Tights Giveaway + Challenge

We Love Colors Tights Giveaway + Challenge

When I was nineteen, I was trying to adjust to my new shape. I had been gaining weight drastically because of the medications I was taking to make myself feel better and less symptomatic, and all of a sudden most of my clothes didn’t fit. The clothes I was able...
UncustomaryAugust: An Instagram Challenge

UncustomaryAugust: An Instagram Challenge

I’ve participated in a few daily Instagram challenges, and I’ve loved them! I think they’re great for planning content, and making sure you’re posting something fun every day! I looked around for an upcoming one for August and I didn’t...