50 Ways To Calm Down Right Now

50 Ways To Calm Down Right Now

Recently, I had someone message me during the day to ask what to do while they were having a panic attack at work. I realized I had resources for reducing stress, relaxing, and plenty of self-care advice, but nothing for an in-the-moment crisis. To be fair, I think...
50 Ways To Change Up Your Routine

50 Ways To Change Up Your Routine

When I worked at the psych rehab, most of my clients complained they felt like they were in a rut. They woke up at the same time every day, took medication, took public transportation to our day program, took classes, at lunch, went home, watched TV, ate the same...
50 Ways To Be Considerate

50 Ways To Be Considerate

When my dad and brother were in the hospital, things were crazy. I was stressed to my max, foggy brained as all hell, and incredibly sleep-deprived. One night, I was delivering some party decor items to my friend’s house for their birthday party and on the way...
50 Fun Things To Do On Your Lunch Break

50 Fun Things To Do On Your Lunch Break

It’s SO easy to go on auto-pilot, especially during things we do every day like commuting or being at our jobs. I wanted to come up with a list of ways you can spend your lunch break because it’s really important to take breaks, and it’s also really...
50 Ways To Get Active After Inauguration

50 Ways To Get Active After Inauguration

It’s easy to feel helpless right now. Two weeks into Trump officially stepping into office as the president, and we’ve already seen some drastic and upsetting laws go into place that are just the things we were worried about happening. We’re scared...