What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore


I absolutely love finding out what inspires people. Not only do we all get inspired by different things, but we define the word itself slightly differently. Maybe you think about inspiration as what motivates you to create your art, to give something your best, or to simply get out of bed in the morning. It could be something tangible you enjoy looking at, or something abstract in your life that you’re grateful for. Either way, I think inspiration is one of the most important parts of life. It keeps us going, and we improve as a result of it.

Interactive Installation

One of my favorite installations to do is when I get to ask strangers for their input on something. Maybe it’s just answering the question “What’s up?” or sharing what their goals are for the new year, but coming back to an installation to see that multiple people I don’t know took the time to participate in this little grass roots project I did makes me happy. It inspires me.

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

I just put up a poster reading “What inspires you?”, and left a box with paper and pens. Most of the time, I will hang out till I see at least one person use the installation before I head out. That way, even if it gets stolen before I return, it still did its job (in my mind).


Luckily this one didn’t get stolen! Check out the responses from my fellow Baltimorians.

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

What Inspires You Installation In Baltimore

My favorites:

 People who don’t give a shit  Pooping after seafood  Having a beautiful love life

There were actually a large handful of submissions that I deemed “inappropriate” to post. So go ahead and use your imagination for those! And I apologize if you’re phrase (or drawing!) got censored.

Your turn

Okay, what about you? What would you have written on a little slip of paper if you were walking by my installation?