This past week has been really rough for me. It was the anniversary of something pretty traumatic for me, and I had a difficult time dealing with that. I also got physically sick from not taking care of my body and even had to cancel a photoshoot with Maura that I was really excited for. (You can read more about the traumatic experience on Instagram.)

The good news is it seems the storm has passed, and today is the transition from Winter to Spring, from Pisces to Aries, and the Full Moon in Libra! I’m happy to celebrate all these things and honor all these transitions, including transitions in myself. It looks like tonight it going to be a smaller moon gathering than normal, but everything always works out. My house is all decorated for Spring/Ostara — speaking of which here are 10 ways to celebrate Ostara and 100 things to add to your Spring Bucket List! If you’re interested in getting a Full Moon Reading (which comes with the cheat sheet and journaling worksheets, you can check out here).

And one of the main things that has brought me joy this week and brought me back into my body has been dogs. So I’d apologize for this being a dog-heavy post, but I don’t think that deserves an apology. Hahah.

Here’s what I’ve been into lately…

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary

Pictures from last week:

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Spring blooming

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Corgi meet up in the park

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Corgis meeting in the park

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
The tiniest Corgi (named Boney)

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Playing catch

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Living the dream

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
So much happy in one animal

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Good keychains

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Giving dinos new homes

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Bringing home yellow flowers

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Dachsunds in sweaters

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
New LED lights for behind the TV

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Dogs smashed in windows, smiling

[Extra Sparkle] * Hot bar from Whole Foods * Joe helping me make props * Understanding friends and family * Working on a lot of blog posts lately * Fresh sheets and rose essential oil smells coming from the diffuser * Shopping for membership surprises, full moon/Ostara gathering supplies, and goody bags * Shipping out Round 18 of the Snail Mail Game Show * Sun beams * Drinking a lot of water * Tapping with High Vibe Honey * Joe putting a Lawrence Arms set list on my vision board * Melatonin * Listening to old playlists

Upcoming Unusual Holidays

20 – Spring Equinox
20 – Ostara
20 – Astrology Day
20 – Alien Abduction Day
20 – Day Of Happiness
21 – Poetry Day
23 – Puppy Day
24 – Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
25 – Waffle Day
26 – Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
26 – Purple Day


What’s on your happiness list this week?