Top 5 Tips On Creating A Dog-Friendly Garden | Uncustomary

It comes as no surprise to most pet owners that dogs are the most active, most easily distracted, and most fidgety animals in any stretch of the imagination. It is for this reason that finding the right way to blend garden safety and pet-friendliness, while not limiting your dog’s level of activity becomes a rather daunting task. 

Creating a dog-friendly garden is as much about your dog as it is about the plant life. For most people, it seems like a lot of work for very little space, well, it isn’t, and the sooner you figure this out the better. This is mainly because dogs can be quite destructive, so it is crucial to ensure they have their own space away from danger, and away from your landscape. 

I know what you’re thinking. Why do I need to all this stuff when my garden barely has room for a barbecue grill? Just a bit of tidying, landscaping and moving things around, and you’ll be well on your way to creating the most dog-friendly garden out there. 

Let’s jump right into it, shall we?

Get a Higher Fence

Safety is always the first and most important aspect to consider when trying to get your garden to be dog-friendly. Fencing counts as a priority because dogs have this nasty habit of chasing just about anything they lay their eyes on. This nasty habit may even cause your dog to prop itself up on your barbecue grill and jump over low lying perimeter fences. 

This is why the first tip is to raise your fence to anything between 1.8 meters to 2 meters. Fortunately, dogs aren’t great jumpers, so 2 meters will be more than sufficient to ensure they stay within your compound. Find a fencing company that will provide you with a quality and aesthetic fence.

Keep your Garden Tidy

It’s quite understandable to have tools and household equipment lying around your garden, but if you want your dog to be safe, then you need to ensure you invest some time in cleaning up your garden. 

Dogs can be pretty adventurous when bored, so pieces of broken ceramic pots, sharp tools or even dangerous areas can pose a threat to your dog’s well-being. It is all just as simple as picking up anything that seems out of place. 

Have Toys Your Dog can play with

You’ve probably noticed that your dog likes chewing on just about anything. This is why the best way to prevent it from chewing on your shoes, your plants or something that may be inherently dangerous would be to equip your garden with anything from chew toys to rubber bones. These toys will keep your dog occupied, and prevent it from going rogue and ruining your vegetation. Having pet toys also prevents your dog from being distracted by passersby or traffic. To maintain your dog’s good health, give them supplements from Bernies.

Create Paths and Digging spots

Dogs love to dig, and they tend to follow specific routes to areas in and around your garden. So when you are designing your garden, ensure you designate a digging spot and have a path that leads away from your plants. 

Top 5 Tips On Creating A Dog-Friendly Garden | Uncustomary

Having digging spots filled with dog toys can be a great way to accustom your dog to that specific area and discourage them from digging up all your vegetation. You can make a footpath that leads up to this digging area just for emphasis. 

Create Some Shade

Dogs pant to let out excess heat from their bodies, so unlike humans, they don’t sweat. If you haven’t noticed, your dog isn’t particularly fond of heat. So during the unforgiving summer heat, it is advisable to have some shade around your garden even it is rottweiler or pitbull, this will ensure the heat doesn’t restrict your dog’s movements. It may be something as simple as an umbrella in the back yard, or even a tree, anything to block out the scorching summer heat. 


Some simple landscaping around your garden can go a long way. Ensure you have designated areas that are accessible to your dog, and block out paths to areas that may seem dangerous. It’s pretty cut and dried.