100 Ways To Celebrate Life

100 Ways To Celebrate Life

Living life in a celebratory way is something that is very important to me. I’ve made a list of ways you can do so, and I’d love it if you shared additional suggestions in the comments! 100 Ways To Celebrate Life Bring mini umbrellas for your beverages...
Happy Journal Testimonials

Happy Journal Testimonials

Last month, I posted a list of tips for keeping a gratitude/happy journal. Afterwards, a few lovely ladies let me know that they were inspired to start their own, and I couldn’t be more happy about it! I checked in with them to find out how it’s going, and...
Don’t Forget To Go Outside

Don’t Forget To Go Outside

Like many people, I was surprised at how affected I was by Robin Williams’ death. It felt like someone punched me when I found out, and I don’t really react that way to information about celebrities, good or bad. I’m still very sad that he’s no...
Glitter Goggles

Glitter Goggles

You’ve probably heard the expression “rose-tinted glasses”, meaning that someone only sees the good parts of life. It’s something I’ve been accused of often. People can assume that because you’re recognizing the good that you...
How To Keep A Happy Journal

How To Keep A Happy Journal

Something that changed my life was the ritual of writing in my happy journal every day. It makes me more appreciative during the day to day; ask any of my friends and they’ll tell you they’ve heard me say “That’s going in my happy...