10 Ways To Celebrate Mabon

10 Ways To Celebrate Mabon

Happy Mabon! A fancy Pagan way of saying Autumn Equinox! I wanted to share ten well thought out ideas for ways you can celebrate this special day, and I hope that they are helpful for you! A funny Twitter account I follow recently tweeted that if you want to freak...
50 Ways To Practice Merriment

50 Ways To Practice Merriment

Merriment is something that gets lost on us so easily. What is Merriment? Let’s starts there. It’s fun. It’s having fun for no other reason than having fun. It’s playing. It’s joy. It’s happiness. It’s what we want in life. So...
25 Ways To Celebrate Libra Season

25 Ways To Celebrate Libra Season

We’ve come out from diligent, nurturing, hard-working, get it done Virgo Season, and have officially entered into Libra season! You ready? This is going to be a nice balance (hah! Libra is all about balance) to Virgo’s gung-ho yang energy to Libra’s...