Podcast: Self-Care And Chronic Illness | Uncustomary Love

Did you check out yesterday’s blog post on self-care for people with chronic illness? I was sad I didn’t have any resources on this topic already, and didn’t want to speak about a topic I don’t have any experience on, so I brought in some people who do have experience. I also went gungho and there’s now a long-form post with 35 self-care tips for people with chronic illness as well as this podcast with two interviewees, Yvonne Marcus and Brittany Krok. It might be my favorite podcast so far!




In today’s post we talk about:

  • How I was originally taken aback by the responses to my free self-care e-course where almost 1/3 of people told me the reason they felt they couldn’t practice self-care is chronic illness/pain
  • Self-care practices for people with chronic illness/pain, how it’s more difficult/painful, and how it might look different for someone else (including having children/taking care of them)
  • Things people have to give up that they have given up that they enjoyed because they create pain
  • How the mental side of this can create a feeling of a lack of self-worth and can be even more difficult than the actual illness/pain itself
  • How self-care ideas/practices can alienize people with chronic illness
  • How you are NOT your illness and are still capable of doing things, you are not your label
  • What we wish was more common knowledge for people regarding chronic illness
  • The language we use around this subject
  • How people try to empathize with people with all types of situations and end up patronizing them, even with the best of intentions
  • What it’s like to deal with doctors,  and start your journey, and advocate for yourself

Listen Now!

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Lastly, if you’d like to apply to be an interviewee on Uncustomary Love, please fill out this form.