When I made the Mail Announcement in September, I decided that I needed to really take a break from mail for it to stick. I wanted to shift gears and focus on things other than mail. Part of this break was not photographing my incoming and outgoing missives. I’ve been able to continue writing letters and postcards since and honestly, it’s not that much less than it was before. I am mostly just doing it more in chunks than a little every day. I’m okay with it. But, after breaking the habit of not photographing it all, it was hard to get back into the swing of things.
I want to share the first Monday Mailings post in about two months with you! I also want to thank you guys for supporting my street art endeavors and other interests over the past weeks. As well as those of you who have continued to send me mail and kept my creative correspondence passion alive with things like the letter writing social.Incoming

look! Halloween mail!


package from JoAnna

package from Miki

I’ve also recently sent out a few lists of Beatles songs as writing challenges as well as the second round of the Snail Mail Game Show. Hope you guys get surprises in your mailboxes soon!