My friend, Karen, sent me a baggie of my favorite type of dinosaur (long neck!) in her most recent care package. She mentioned adding some glitter to them. I didn’t wait long before I took her up on that idea!

DIY Glitter Dinosaurs | Uncustomary Art

I wanted it to look kind of splotchy but it stuck almost everywhere so the spots where it’s not it looks kind of weird but glitter and dinosaurs are pretty amazing on their own so when you combine them you can’t go wrong.

DIY Glitter Dinosaurs | Uncustomary Art

I took four of them with me when I saw Katie, Andrew, Charlotte, and Helen on Monday night for free gelato and they each picked one. Spread the glitter dino love. 🙂

DIY Glitter Dinosaurs | Uncustomary Art

I want to put glitter on everything.