10 Self-Love Resolutions | Uncustomary

Here are 10 self-love resolutions that anyone can keep!

Do any of them speak to you? Click to tweet them and proclaim them for yourself!

❤ This year, I will express my gratitude for what I already have and am lucky enough to experience.
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❤ This year, I will make time to take care of myself, even if that means disappointing others.
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❤ This year, I will celebrate my body and its unique and miraculous capabilities.
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❤ This year, I will make time for people and things that make me happy and release the negative.
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❤ This year, I will love and accept my choices, thoughts, and body.
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❤ This year, I will practice being present and mindful of my current experience.
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❤ This year, I will treat myself with the same kindness I give to my best friend.
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❤ This year, I will express myself creatively and loudly because I deserve to take up space on this earth.
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❤ This year, I will ask for help when I need it because that doesn’t mean I have failed in any way.
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❤ This year, I will allow myself to dream big, letting go of the idea of “impossible”.
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(Read my goals for 2017 here)

Want even more tips, tricks, and support with your journey of self love? Treat yourself to my e-course, Self Love: The Key To Happiness.

Let’s have a fabulous 2017!