10 Self-Love New Year's Resolutions | Uncustomary

People have a love/hate relationship with New Year’s Resolutions, and I totally get it. I actually do, too. The fact is, we’re more likely to stick to a goal and measurably achieve it if we wake up one morning with a lot of intrinsic gumption and motivation to improve something than we are to make a goal just because we’re changing the calendar over to January.

That said, every day, month, and year is a chance to begin anew. Every hour, actually. You can ignite change whenever you want, and if 2020 is when you want to improve your life, then let’s lean into it! I’m optimistic by nature, and as much as I know the statistics show that the crowded gyms will become desolate by March due to people abandoning their goals, that doesn’t mean we have to be one of them! There are people who stick to their goals, be it New Year’s based or not, so why can’t one of those people be you? (It can be.)

Check out this episode of Supersonic Self-Love on Making and Keeping Goals and Resolutions.

I made a list of ten New Year’s Resolutions anyone can start to keep in 2020 to practice self-love. I hope you’ll make this year your’s.

❤ This year, I will express my gratitude for what I already have and am lucky enough to experience.
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❤ This year, I will make time to take care of myself, even if that means disappointing others.
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❤ This year, I will celebrate my body and its unique and miraculous capabilities.
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❤ This year, I will make time for people and things that make me happy and release the negative.
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❤ This year, I will love and accept my choices, thoughts, and body.
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❤ This year, I will practice being present and mindful of my current experience.
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❤ This year, I will treat myself with the same kindness I give to my best friend.
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❤ This year, I will express myself creatively and loudly because I deserve to take up space on this earth.
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❤ This year, I will ask for help when I need it because that doesn’t mean I have failed in any way.
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❤ This year, I will allow myself to dream big, letting go of the idea of “impossible”.
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Want more self-love? Join the Uncustomary Babes Group! It’s self-love resources coming at you all year round! Invest in yourself!

Have a fabulous last day of 2019 that will propel you into a wonderful, amazing, happy, and successful next twelve months. Thank you for being there.

Photo: Maura Housley